Alexia Angton
Research Project: Do Adolescent Drug Users Fare the Worst? Onset Type,
Juvenile Delinquency, and Criminal Careers
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Matthew Delisi, Sociology


Alex Avendano
Research Project: Measuring Mechanical Properties of Agar Gel 
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Pranav Shrotriya, Mechanical Engineering


Bennett Alex

Alexander Bennett
Research Project: Deception in Psychology Studies
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Norman Scott, Psychology

Hall Ryan

Ryan Hall
Research Project: The Characterization of BECy-PES Polymer Blends
Faculty Mentors: Dr. Samy Madbouly and Dr. Nicola Bowler, Materials Science and Engineering


Hernandez Christopher

Christopher Hernandez
Research Project: Non-Coding RNAs in Agrobacterium Tumefaciens
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kan Wang, Agronomy


Hinojo Chris

Christopher Hinojo 

Research Project: Immune activation components from raw milk and colostrum
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Joan Cunnick, Department of Animal Science

Rodriguez Carolina

Carolina Rodriguez 

Research Project: The evolution of the insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2) gene in reptiles
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Anne Bronikowski, Department of Ecology, Evolutionary & Organismal Biology